Archer Master 3D Castle Defense

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
74 Players
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Archer move mouse-all or mouse-all
Jump mouse-all
Run mouse-all
Take out the bow mouse-all
Shoot mouse-all or mouse-all
Aim mouse-all or mouse-all
Pull the bowstring tighter mouse-all mouse-all or mouse-all mouse-all
Map scaling mouse-all or mouse-all or mouse-all
Unlock coursor mouse-all
Sideview mouse-all

This adventure is for those who love archery and strategic defense. Choose your character, practice your marksmanship and defend the castle from enemy armies to become a real hero. You start the game by choosing a character and going through a training phase. The training includes target shooting, which will help you get used to the controls and mechanics of archery. After successfully completing the training, you move on to the main stage of the game - defending the castle from enemy armies.

On the range you have to hone your bow control skills by shooting at targets. Practice your archery skills to maximize your ability to hit enemies from a distance in the main game. Your task is to defend the fortress by shooting at the advancing enemies to prevent them from breaking through the gates. Use strategic placement on the walls of the fortress for better defense. Distribute your strength and attention between different attack directions so that enemies can't break through weakened sections of the defense.

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