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PC only game
55 Players
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Control the dragon mouse-all or mouse-all
Take-off / landing mouse-all
Jump / Fly higher mouse-all
Get down below mouse-all
Fire ball mouse-all
Tail kick mouse-all
Speed up mouse-all
Show or hide control buttons mouse-all
Show or hide cursor mouse-all
Open the chest mouse-all

Dive into the wonderful world of dragons, complete tasks, fight enemies and get stronger with every step! You start the game as a mighty dragon who has just left his nest. Another dragon gives you your first task - to find an artifact that can kill the fire-breathing creature. You fly through forests and mountains, following the directions on the map. Along the way, you encounter hostile witches who try to stop you. Using your fire breath, you burn them on the spot. Finding a chest with a potion, you replenish your health and continue on your way. Eventually, you find the artifact and burn down the camp of humans to prevent it from falling into their hands. Victory!

Become a legendary creature who masters the art of breathing fire and go on great adventures by completing a variety of quests. Control a mighty dragon that can breathe fire, fly and use its tail to attack. The dragon has health and stamina scales, which adds realism to the gameplay. The dragon's fire breath is a powerful weapon that can burn everything in its path. There are many interesting quests in the game that will be given by other dragons. The first quest is to find an artifact that can kill any fire-breathing creature, and prevent humans from getting hold of this weapon. Find chests with useful items, such as potions to restore health. Explore the world to find more treasures and artifacts.

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