Evil Granny Must Die Chapter 1

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PC only game
109 Players
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Move mouse-all or mouse-all
Sideview mouse-all
Shoot mouse-all
Aim mouse-all
Reload mouse-all
Peep out mouse-all mouse-all
Open door/ Pick up an item mouse-all
Slowing down mouse-all
Butcher mouse-all
Crouch mouse-all
Lie mouse-all
Jump mouse-all
Run mouse-all
Pause mouse-all

Panic is your enemy. Always act thoughtfully. You are in a scary basement, where at every turn there are creepy things happening and monsters everywhere. It is said that the creepy bloodthirsty Granny is operating here. To get out of this nightmare, you need to find 8 enchanted books. Fearlessly move around the creepy dungeon, keep your eyes open, use weapons to fight the monsters and do not become a victim yourself.

Your task is to search for enchanted books. Books can be hidden in the most unexpected places, check every corner. Divide the basement into sections and explore them one by one, so as not to miss anything important. Remember that Grenny and her monsters will attack when you get close to the books. Always be ready for a surprise attack. Keep your weapons loaded. Use cover and be mobile to avoid direct confrontations.

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